Independence Swim making its way to States

As Independence High School’s swim team approaches the end of their season, the Indy community has been able to reflect on the hard work of all the athletes as they became district champions at Claude Moore. Soon after they competed at regionals and both boys and girls became the regional runner up, qualifying them for states.  

On Dec. 11, Independence placed 1st overall at the LCPS Championships. The boys placed first with a score of 395 and girls came second with a score of 360. Later on in the season on Jan. 15, a great senior night took place as the Tigers earned themselves a score of 415. 

Hailey Peiken and Ryan Marlovits are the two current senior captains, who each play a part in maintaining the team’s spirit and helping their teammates in any way they can. “Everyone is very encouraging and cheers for one another, the atmosphere is overall pretty great,” explained Marlovits. He went on to say, “Swimming has made a big impact on my life because it’s been something that has remained consistent with all the practices that have taught me how to work hard.” Both captains reflected on how they have made meaningful friendships on the team and are grateful they got to experience being regional champs back to back the past two years.

“Our Instagram page has a lot of information about our scores and what the team is up to. Our Facebook live page is also a great place to watch,” Peiken mentioned for those who are interested in keeping track of the team’s upcoming events.