Key Club supports walking for water

Students at Independence have been shown to demonstrate interest in helping people even beyond our own immediate community. Sophomore Namitha Tholasi has been a member of the Key Club at Independence for the past two years. She currently heads the club’s mission in association with Walking for Water.
Walking for Water is an organization where people dedicate their efforts to raising money for wells to be made in third world countries. In their mission statement, they explain how, “Around the world, 2.2 billion people lack access to safe water. Millions of women and children walk more than three miles to collect water for their families every day. Often this water is not safe to drink, resulting in illness and even death.”
One of their major fundraising events is an annual walk they hold, through which they have raised almost half a million dollars already. In countries within Africa and Asia, they have been able to help out several communities in combating the global water crisis. This year, Indy’s Key Club will be participating in the walk on May 7, and students will be creating fundraising pages as well.
For each mile that students walk, they raise a certain amount of money. Key Club previously participated in candy gram selling and Toys for Tots. They are hoping to participate in more service projects next year. “If you’re interested in community service and volunteering, and have ideas to bring to the table then you can join anytime,” shares Tholasi.
Walking for Water this year has made tremendous strides and Independence looks forward to continuing their fundraising efforts with them next year and onwards. One can request information and visit students’ donation pages if you are interested in donating.