The Crustaceans win DECA’s third annual dodgeball tournament


On Wednesday, November 16, Independence DECA organized their third annual dodgeball tournament. Staff and students from each grade level gathered to create teams to participate in a bracket style tournament. Those who did not volunteer to join the tournament were given the opportunity to buy tickets to watch the games within their first block. With a $3 entrance fee, the proceeds went to supporting DECA and their events throughout the year.

Senior Lahari Kunapaneni reflects on their third annual tournament admitting, “It was a little hectic at first but once everyone got more comfortable with their roles it went more smoothly.” While it may have been a little chaotic at first, according to Kunapneni’s experience, it was evident that the DECA club put in effort to make sure the fans had a good experience. 

The tournament was centered around a bracket of 10 teams who competed in six minute games in order to move on to the next round. After several rounds of elimination, the championship game featured the wrestling team and the Crustaceans in a competitive match-up. The entirely senior Crustaceans came out on top to win the title of the 2022 Dodgeball Tournament Winners, as well as 20 dollar gift cards to the Indy school store, Tiger Threads.